Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 4 - Consciousness: Wide Awake, in a Daze, or Dreaming?

Consciousness: feelings, thoughts, and aroused states of which we are aware. Altered states of consciousness occur when we sleep, are hypnotized, or take any psychoactive drug.
Sleeping, Dreaming, Circadian Rhythm: Benefits of sleep include restored body tissues, body growth, increased immunity, an alert mind, processed memories, and enhanced mood. A circadian rhythm is a natural rhytm of sleep and waking programmed by a group of brain cells in the hypothalamus called the suprachiasmastic nucleus. A typical night of sleep involves cycling through non-REM and REM-sleep. Freud beleived that dreams allow us to express fears and desires. The threat simulation theory proposes that dreaming is a defense mechanism that allows us to rehearse responses to threatening situations. Activation-synthesis theory suggests that dreaming is just a consequence of the aroused brain during REM sleep. Insomnia is the inability to sleep or stay asleep (most common sleep disorder). Others include sleep apnea (stop breathing while asleep) and narcolepsy (falling asleep during alert times of the day).
Hypnosis: Real or Imagined?: Hypnosis is used to create a state of heightened suggestibility - this isn't rekated to intelligence, gender or sociability. Those who focus better, have vivid imaginations, or positive expectations are more easily hypnotized. Hypnosis can relieve pain and decrease anxiety.
Psychoactive Drugs: Psychoactive drugs are substances that influence the brain and the behavior of a person. Tolerance is the amount of drug required to produce tis effects. The more a person uses a drug, the more of it is needed to create the desired effect. Substance dependence is the person's need for a drug to function. Different kinds of psychoactive drugs include: depressants, (alcohol, sedatives, barbiturates; slow down neural function) opiates, (morphine, codeine, opium; treat pain by mimicking neurotransmitters) stimulants, (caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamines; speed up brain activities) and hallucinogens (marijuana, LSD; speed up and slow down neural activity at the same time, causing hallucinations).
Accomplished this week: Read chapter 4, two discussion posts, C&R, crossword, quiz, 3 tweets, blog post. 2 Home volleyball games, 2 volleyball practices, 3 dance practices, dance performance, 4 tests, and a preparing for homecoming!
Next Week: Chapter 5 - How Do We Learn?
Happy Homecoming Week! :)
The Sleep Cycle

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